JComments FAQ - Questions and Answers |
How to turn on/off the comments in any given item?By default, the list of categories, where the comments are turned on, should be set in administration panel of JComments. However, sometimes it is necessary to turn on the comments only in any given item of the category where the comments are turned off and vice-versa, sometimes it is necessary to turn off the comments for only one or several items of the category but allow for others. In that case the special tags of the comments' mambot can be used if they are placed somewhere in material's text:
After the tag is inserted in the item's text, please do not forget to press Save button and clear the Joomla's cache. How to turn on/off the comments in static item?Taking into account that static items have not parent section or category, the only way to turn on/off the comments in static items is to insert the component's mambot tags somewhere in an item's text. Please see the "How to turn on/off the comments in any given item?" for more information Where the smiles' files are placed?The smiles' files are placed in the /components/com_jcomments/images folder. If required, it is possible to upload some custom smiles' images to this folder, then log in the administration panel of the JComments and setup the corresponding symbols sets. I have occasionally deleted the component. Is there any possibility to restore the comments?When the component is deleted, all database tables of the components are remained and not deleted. Thus if the component was occasionally deleted just reinstall it to restore all comments you had. How to delete the comments?If it is necessary to delete one or several comments it can be done directly in comments' list in the frontend. But it is allowed only if the user has the proper rights and is logged in. The second way is to log in administration panel of Joomla, then choose the menu item "Components-JComments-Comments" and in the opened list please select the comments which you want to delete and press "Delete" button. Also if it's required to uninstall the comments completely just delete the jos_jcomments jos_jcomments table in database after you have uninstalled JComments component. How the comments can be added to a third-party component?The JComments component was specially developed to be easily integrated with third-party extensions. The more detailed information concerning this question can be found in Developer's guide and JComments integration to third-party components' sections. What are the "hot" keys and how they can be used?The component allows to speed up the process of BBCode tags insertion and allows to send the comments by pressing of defined keys combinations on a keyboard. At a moment the following combinations are supported (cursor should be in the comment text field):
How to get the RSS-feed of all comments?By default, the component exports the RSS-feed of comments for every item. The links to the RSS-feed can be found under the comments. However, it required sometimes to export the RSS-feed for all components of all items. Such RSS-feed is available under the following link: http://your_website_url/index2.php?option=com_jcomments&task=rss_full&no_html=1. There are 100 latest comments are displayed by default. This number can be changed in the future versions of the component. The comments design is not in harmony with website design. Can it be customized?Yes, It can be done! The JComments component supports the templates by means of patTemplate library. The real templates files are placed in different directories in /components/com_jcomments/tpl/ directory. There is only one default template available in distributive which can be customized. All css styles are in styles.css file. If it is required, the default template can be customized directly in default folder or can be copied to some other folder in tpl with other name and then customized. Do not forget to select the necessary template in administration panel of the component. Can I use the comments on multilingual website?Yes, you can. The component can be successfully used in multilingual website with JoomFish component: the comments sent in various languages for the same item are now different and not merged. Thus, if you have English and Russian versions of the website, the English comments will be available only in English version, Russian — in Russian. Besides, there is the possibility to filter comments by language in administration panel. Is there some search possibility in comments?Yes, there is. The default component distributive includes the search plugin which allows to search in comments by means of standard website search. If this possibility is not required it can be turned off by unpublishing the Search - JComments plugin. |