How to turn on the avatars displaying option in JComments? |
The JComments supports only one type of avatars by default - the avatars of service(see What is Gravatar?). However, the list of supported avatars can be lot extended after additional JComments - Avatars plugin installation. How to turn on the avatars displaying?Carry out the following actions in administrative panel of settings of JComments:
How to turn on the avatars displaying from third-party components?Make the following steps to display the common avatars from third-party components, not Gravatars, (for example, CommunityBuilder or Fireboard):
What components are supported in JComments - Avatars plugin?At a moment the following avatars from third-party components are supported:
How to extend the list of supported components in avatars plugin?Make the topic with heading "Avatar's support in xxx component" in Suggestions, Wishlists & Feature Requests section of the forum, where the xxx - is the component name. At that, it is preferable to post the link to component homepage, and inform us if you have any desire to be the beta-tester in this situation. We will try to perform the request as far as possible and extend the functional possibilities of the plugin. |