JComments |
JComments 2.1 for Joomla 1.5 is available! New version is fully compatible with Joomla 1.5, Joomla 1.0 and Joostina (Russian modification of Joomla 1.0.15). Added a lot of new functions, the global modification was undertaken and errors coming from previous versions have fixed. What is JComments?The JComments component allow site visitors to comment different articles and other published content within the website. The component has a flexible access settings system to component functions, a lot of display adjustments, template support, Ajax technology usage and a lot of other stuff. What's new in JComments 2.1?
More about JComments changes and new features: JComments Release Notes. How to start using the JComment if you used other comment systems and save all data.The component supports import feature from 16 third-party comment system components, including: AkoBook, AkoComment, Chrono Comments, ComboMax, Cinema, DatsoGallery, Ice Gallery, JamBook, JXtended Comments, JMovies, JomComment, JoomlaComment, JoomGallery, J! Reactions, K2, LinkDirectory, MosCom, Mosets Tree, MusicBox, mXcomment, PAXXGallery, Remository, RSGallery2, VirtueMart, zOOm Media Gallery. The import feature allows you to start to use the JComments without any data loss. How to use the JComments in 3rd party extensions.One of the main features of the component is the simple integration procedure to third-party extensions. There are more than 35 step-by-step integration instructions to most popular extensions. Thus, the JComments allows you to use only one unified comment system and control all comments settings centralized. You can view, modify or delete comments for any installed extension in the administrative panel of the component. For developersThe documentation for developers is published on the component official website. There are typical solutions and feature usage examples. This section will be considerably extended soon. CompatibilityOn result of the testing the component is completely compatible with Joomla 1.5 native and Joomla 1.0. Moreover the component works stable on Joostina 1.2. SupportWe provide support in English on our support forum and website. We will try to answer all your questions and hope that you would like our component. For getting support of JComments component you may follow to special forum sections:
How to correctly make a request on support serviceBefore making a request try to use forum search: perhaps such a problem were discussed earlier. Besides, please read FAQ attentively and especially section of the product you have problem with.
When you make a request to support service, please remember one rule: one question - one topic. It will make our work easier. Remember: as precisely you describe the problem, so quickly support service will reply on it, and consequently to help you with trouble solving. And finally, if you already made a request, but then found a decision by yourself, please visit our forum and share the decision with forum community. Perhaps your trick will help other users to save their time. |