
Integration of JComments to PAXXGallery

PAXXGallery — is small image gallery component for Joomla. The offered to your attention integration allows visitors to leave comments to images.

  1. Open file /administrator/components/com_paxxgallery/paxxgallery.class.php
  2. Find the line:
      if ( $this->config['comments']==1) {
    and insert after it:
      global $mosConfig_absolute_path;
      $comments = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jcomments/jcomments.php';
      if (file_exists($comments)) {
        $title = $this->getPictureParam($iid, 'name', true);
        echo JComments::showComments($iid, 'com_paxxgallery', $title);
  3. Find lines:
        } else {
          echo "<br>   please register / login to add comments<br>";
    and replace with:
        } else {
          echo "<br>   please register / login to add comments<br>";

See also:
