Integration of JComments to MusicBox catalogue
MusicBox — quite good music catalouge for Joomla with possibility to listen to music. The offered to your attention integration is inteneded to replace the built-in comment system by JComments and gives the possibility to visitors to comment the music albums.
- Open file /components/com_musicbox/musicbox.html.php
- Find the lines:
$sql="SELECT #__musicboxrewiev.*,,#__users.username FROM #__musicboxrewiev "
. "\nLEFT JOIN #__users ON"
. "\nWHERE albumid=".$currItem->id
. "\n ORDER BY id DESC";
$rows = $database->loadObjectList();
and replace with:
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;
$comments = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jcomments/jcomments.php';
if (file_exists($comments)) {
$obj_id = $currItem->id;
$obj_title = $currItem->title;
echo JComments::showComments($obj_id, 'com_musicbox', $obj_title);
See also: