
Integration of JComments to EasyGallery image gallery

EasyGallery — is small but enough functional image gallery component for Joomla. Batch upload from zip file is supported, folder scan on server with automatical creation of thumbnails and resizing of big images are also supported. The offered integration allows visitors comment the images.

  1. Open file /components/com_easygallery/easygallery.html.php
  2. Find the line:
        HTML_easygallery::printNavigation($row, $params);
    and insert after:
      global $mosConfig_absolute_path;
      $comments = $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_jcomments/jcomments.php';
      if ($params->get('comments') && file_exists($comments)) {
        echo JComments::showComments($row->id, 'com_easygallery', $row->name);

See also:
